• ALL SEE EYES is very much simple to use tool, just download Allceyes app from google play store and view the product through the app.

• It does effective publicity directly taking the brand and virtual project to the customers

• It gives 3dimensional view to the project by giving a real birds eye view of how it is going to look in real time with animated simulation under to-scale dimensions.

• It also gives and walk through effect of the entire plan of the building, and its interiors.

• It gives value added benefits to your ATL advt materials like news paper advts, broachers, billboards, magazines and also to your BTL advts like leaflets, pamphlets, posters and banners etc.,

• It also acts as a project development tool where before the project is developed to reality we can visualize the 3dimentional image of the project so that any corrections or modifications can be made before hand.

• This tool is a real good marketing tool in industries like Real estate, engineering products manufacturing industry etc.,

• Unlike other marketing tool, once developed this will be an life time marketing tool of that product and also serves as the life time brand value promotion tool of the company.


• This tool brings the structural drawing, water supply line, sewerage water line, gas line, AC duct line and also the power supply line to life, just over a click of a button.

• This means that if you click a AC ducting button then the entire building shall become a skeleton and the only the AC ducting line spanning the length and breadth of the building Shall come into view and to mention, this shall be on scale too.

• This shall be a big boon to the site engineers, supervisors and even to the masons since they all will have a clear idea of where all these lines may over lap, and what are the lines which shall over lap one another and shall plan accordingly.

• Since this tool can be accessed through a normal android phone, actual blue prints or their copies need not have to be carried everywhere. And since, this being a visual representation of actual building and its plan, even a lay man can understand and work accordingly.

• The tools features have unlimited scalability; however these features can be viewed only by the authorized persons assigned by the company.

• Though this tool supports the construction industry in a big way, this also serves as the maintenance tool to the maintenance engineers and stake holders as long as building exists to be functional.


• Apart from its glamour and technicality, it also provides us with data of the effective reach of a advt in a particular location.

• This provides us data on the number of viewers in the Location.

• The location of the viewer - to be more précised, to the State and district can be captured.

• This also provides us data to know the age group of the viewer who show interest in the project.

• The data captured, generates the ROI of the released advts. Either in terms of end sales or in the form of brand promotion, which shall in turn increase the value of the company.

• Provisions can be made in such a way that the end users can send feedback and/or suggestions directly to the company

• It passes on data directly from the consumers to the company without any fragmentation, misinterpretation or loss of data.

• These structured and undisrupted data shall be a commanding tool to the Marketing and Research department.