Dear Sponsor,

JAGUAR POWERS jointly with MIGHTY INDIA FOUNDATION and FOOD AND FURY are organizing a fund rising program for MIF. In this regard we are looking for your kind support for successful completion of the program.



Horses & Dogs had always been the man’s best companions from  time immemorial. Infact time has lost track of when the first encounter of man with horses began, which shall develop and make an unbreakable bondage for age to come. You think of linking one another ward with horses and you may undoubtedly end up as Kings, Royal's, Dukes, Knights, Warfare, Great conquests etc., Yes, horses where always associated with Nobles & Riches. And hence Horse Riding has always been a prestigious and Royal sport.


Its so sad to note that, such a wonderful Art and Sport which our elders where proficient for ages as totally disappeared. So to revive this Art / Sport we have proposed to conduct a month long free awareness program during end of June 2022, giving hands on experience to the participants. We expect to cover more than 1000 direct participants and around 3000 and more spectators who accompany them.



We have proposed to bring in 6 horses and few ponies for this purpose. A horse works 8 hours per day Viz..,

morning 4 hours and evening 4 hours for 6 days a week.

No of participants per day per horse : 8 X 4 : 32 participants

Total No of participants per day for 6 horse : 32 X 6 : 192 participants

Total No of participants per week : 192 X 6 : 1152 participants

And more than 3000 spectators and onlooker.


We have proposed to conduct a month long free horse riding program providing 4 free riding classes of 30 minutes(15 min theory and 15 min practical) for each participants spanning 1 class per week for 4 weeks.


To add more attraction and increase foot falls, we have proposed to organize food festival amidst the ranch every week bringing in different cuisine every week Viz., Arabian style, Sea Food, Kerala Traditional Style and Chinese. Food fest will not only provide multiple recipes in their respective theme but also if possible shall conduct food competition among the public to make them take part and also to contribute for the success of the event.



Rs : 25,00,000/- (Only Three Event Sponsor)

EXCLUSIVE FULL SIZE BANNERS on the back drop of the horse stables, riding arena, kitchen areas, dining areas, entrance of the venue, and other main places of the venue.

Logo of the event sponsor with the caption “EVENT SPONSOR” shall be printed in all our promotion materials like banners, posters, billboards, fliers, leaflets, hand outs etc.,

These logos with caption shall also be published in our digital promotional campaigns like face book pages, WhatsApp, twitter, Instagram etc.,

The event sponsor will get 100 traffic posts with the company logo and awareness campaign erected in main traffic places with in the perumbakkam limits.

The event sponsor shall be given a 20’ X 20’ place inside the venue so that they can have their exclusive stalls to exhibit, demonstrate or market their products.

Throughout the one month program free lunch will be provided for 5 representatives who man the stalls.

Additional support if any shall also be rendered to the event sponsor after considering the feasibility and without disturbing the event operations.


Rs: 15,00,000/- (Max 5 Main Sponsor)

EXCLUSIVE FULL SIZE BANNERS on the back drop of the riding arena,, entrance of the venue, and other appropriate places of the venue.

Logo of the main sponsor with the caption “MAIN SPONSOR” shall be printed in all our promotion materials like banners, posters, billboards, fliers, leaflets, hand outs etc.,

These logos with caption shall also be published in our digital promotional campaigns like face book pages, WhatsApp, twitter, Instagram etc.,

The event sponsor will get 50 traffic posts with the company logo and awareness campaign erected in main traffic places with in the perumbakkam limits.

The main sponsor shall be given a 10’ X 20’ place inside the venue so that they can have their exclusive stalls to exhibit, demonstrate or market their products.

Throughout the one month program free lunch will be provided for 5 representatives who man the stalls.

LEAD SPONSOR : Rs:8,00,000/-

EXCLUSIVE FULL SIZE BANNERS on the back drop of the riding arena, kitchen areas, dining areas, entrance of the venue, and other appropriate places of the venue.

Logos of the Lead-sponsor with the title “LEAD SPONSOR” shall be printed in all our promotion materials like banners, posters, billboards, fliers, leaflets, hand outs etc.,

These logos with caption shall also be published in our digital promotional campaigns like face book pages, WhatsApp, twitter, Instagram etc.,

The lead sponsor shall be given a 10’ X 15’ place inside the venue so that they can have their exclusive stalls to exhibit, demonstrate or market their products.

Throughout the one month program free lunch will be provided for 3 representatives who man the stalls.

Additional support if any shall also be rendered to the event sponsor after considering the feasibility and without disturbing the event operations.

CO-SPONSOR : Rs:5,00,000/-

EXCLUSIVE BANNERS WITH ALL THE CO-SPONSOR NAMES on the back drop of the riding arena, kitchen areas, dining areas, entrance of the venue, and other main places of the venue.

Logos of the co-sponsor with the title “CO-SPONSOR” shall be printed in all our promotion materials like banners, posters, billboards, fliers, leaflets, hand outs etc.,

These logos with caption shall also be published in our digital promotional campaigns like face book pages, WhatsApp, twitter, Instagram etc.,

The co-sponsor shall be given a 10’ X 10’ place inside the venue so that they can have their exclusive stalls to exhibit, demonstrate or market their products.

Throughout the one month program free lunch will be provided for 3 representatives who man the stalls.

ALLIED SPONSOR : Rs:3,00,000/-

Logos of the allied sponsor with the title “ALLIED SPONSOR” shall be printed in all our promotion materials like banners, posters, billboards, fliers, leaflets, hand outs etc.,

These logos with caption shall also be published in our digital promotional campaigns like face book pages, WhatsApp, twitter, Instagram etc.,

The allied sponsor shall be given a 5’ X 10’ place inside the venue so that they can have their exclusive stalls to exhibit, demonstrate or market their products.

Throughout the one month program free lunch will be provided for 3 representatives who man the stalls.